typedef struct _TGAHeader TGAHeader; struct _TGAHeader { tbyte id_len; tbyte map_t; tbyte img_t; tshort map_first; tshort map_len; tbyte map_entry; tshort x; tshort y; tshort width; tshort height; tbyte depth; tbyte alpha; tbyte horz; tbyte vert; }; |
Length in bytes of the image id field
Indicates wether this image is color mapped (0 = no color map, 1 = has color map).
Indicates the image type. Recognized values are
0 = no image data included |
1 = color mapped |
2 = grayscale |
3 = true-color (RGB or RGBA) |
9 = RLE encoded color mapped |
10 = RLE encoded grayscale |
11 = RLE encoded true-color |
Index of the first color map entry
Number of entries (colors) in the color map.
Color depth in bits of the color map entries (usualy 8, 16 or 24)
x-Coordinate of the left corner of the image
y-Coordinate of the upper corner of the image
Width of the image in pixels
Height of the image in pixels
Color depth of the pixels in bits (The TGA file format puts no limitations on this value, so any color depth would be possible. However 8, 24 and 32 are normally used).
number of alpha channel bits per pixel
horizontal orientation of the image (0 = left, 1 = right)
vertical orientation of the image (0 = bottom, 1 = top)